Happy Groundhog Day!

So, yesterday I remembered it was Groundhog day, so I made a little flier for my fiance at work and paper-airplaned it over to his desk. I thought it was cute and was a fun way to remind him of the holiday!

He of course saved it and brought it home for safekeeping. I have the most sentimental man I've ever met! Then that night we watched Groundhog day the movie, or at least tried to. It came on at 9 so I didn't make it all the way through!

Well then I realized how many "holidays" there are in February and I got really excited! This weekend is the super bowl, which we are having a few friends over for. I plan on making cute football-themed decorations and food, but I don't know if I will have time. Next is Valentines Day, which we are celebrating on the 13th since we are taking the day off. I've already put together all of my gifts and have them in a safe place for no peeking before the big day! Mardi Gras is later this month and I'm hoping some co-workers will go out to celebrate, and of course all month is Black History month! I don't know of many "celebrations" going on for that, but i find it very exciting to have so much going on after the holidays! I've been in a slump since work is ridiculously slow and boring and we have no corporate holidays until May! It's really nice to have some fun going on during the down time!

Lately, some friends of ours have been doing trivia nights at a local pizza place. We got it started around Christmas and we go every Wednesday night! Its pretty fun, even though we can't win to save our lives! It's a nice mid-week pick me up, although I almost wish it happened on Thursday so I didn't have two more days of work to endure!

Don't get me wrong, work hasn't been that bad until recently. Our client load is dwindling after the holidays and the clients I currently have aren't doing much until April! I'm getting bored, and boringness leads to miserable days. I'm hoping things will pick up, although the downtime has given me loads of time to work on wedding stuff and finding a new place to live! I'll probably gripe when things DO pick up!

Tomorrow we are going on a special date day that I planned. I'll have to tell you later how it goes just so nothing gets leaked out. You know the internet is not a good place for secrets! My fiance loves special surprises that I plan for him. I don't do it enough, but I've been trying to get better. Forget that old concept of romantic men, women need to be romantic and thoughtful too!


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