Last Name Banner

Sooo.. you know you can buy those picture frames that spell out your last name with pictures of random objects that make letters? Like these...

Well, Our last name has 11 letters - ELEVEN - so there is no picture frame on this earth long enough to contain all of those letters.  I could have spent a fortune to pay a company to make me one, but I figured it would be a lot more fun to take all of the letter pictures ourselves! I let the hubby know my plan and we planned a day at the local flea market to take pictures. When it rained us out, we went to the art museum instead and got a lot of great pictures! I used a tree root for the L and K, art sculptures for the S’s, and found a lot of E’s and the W with in the ancient artifacts exhibit. I later took a picture of our gate for the Z and some sticks in our backyard for the other Z. It was fun going on the scavenger hunt and it gave us something to do together as well!

Once I got all of the pictures printed in Sepia tones I had to decide how I wanted to put it all together. I figured a banner would be the easiest and would be cute on our high ceilings. I had some left over wide ribbon from our wedding that matched the décor, but then I had to figure out how to attach the letters. I decided to use scrapbook paper to frame the letter and then stapled the letters together at the corners. I placed a decorative flower on each staple so you couldn’t see it and then added eyelets to each end of the banner for the ribbon to go through. I did my best attempt at tying a bow loop at each end and there you have it! TA-DA!


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