
Showing posts from April, 2012

c25k Update

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Week 1 - - - - w1d1 (and 1 hr group fitness class) w1d2 - Week 2 - w1d3 w2d1 - - sick - Week 3 - sick w2d2 w2d3 fitness class - - Week 4 - w3d1 fitness class - w3d2 - - Week 5 - w3d3 w3d4 - Ballroom dancing - - Week 6 Short Walk w4d1 *Attempt* Ballroom dancing w4d1 *w/o last 5 min* Fitness Class - - Week 7 Short Walk w4d1 *Attempt* - w4d1 *Attempt* Fitness Class - - Week 8 - -w4d1 *Attempt* short walk - - - Week 9 - - - - - - - Week 10 - - - - - - - So here is my current update on c25k. As you can tell, week 4 is not my friend! Being unable to complete it actually set me back quite a bit and with everything else going on I have bene unable to run at all. I plan on getting back to it today and I will start over with a new calendar! I dont know if Ill ever complete that last 5 minute run! On a good note, I have started a new diet and lost 8 pounds! I will have to update it on here soon so all can benefit!

Books to read - The Giver

"The giver" is an oldie, but a goodie! This book was actually a required read in my 8 th grade English class. We all loved it, and I recently revisited it because I couldn’t remember the story but I knew I liked it! I actually heard this book is a loosely based trilogy, so I may have to check out “Gathering Blue” and “Messenger” as well! This future society has adapted “sameness” to eliminate any pain from people’s lives. They are not supposed to talk about their feelings and they have very strict rules governing their lives. At every birthday some milestone is achieved, and the book starts with Jonas’s 12 th birthday where he will get his job placement. He is skipped over at the job placement ceremony, but at the end they announce that he will be replacing “The Giver,” the person who keeps all of the memories before the society achieved sameness. The giver has been around for many years and has certain privileges that others in the community do not have. Jonas learns...

Books to read - The City of Ember

I decided to read The city of Ember after I saw the movie. The movie doesnt quite do it justice though, since it is designed for kids with kitchy colorful cosutumes and characters. The book is actually part of a quadrilogy, so I may have to check out some of the others as well. The city of Ember is the one light in the center of darkness. No one knows what lies beyond the city, because they do not have any traveling lights to explore. The city was built long ago and designed to last, but they are running out of supplies and the blackouts are growing more common. Lina Mayfleet discovers a puzzling document and she works with Doon Harrow, a pipe worker, to start their search to save the city.

Books to read - Unwind

This book had a great concept, but it wasnt as well written by the author as some of the others. The execution lacked something, although Im not exactly sure what it was. I dont think there will be a sequel, and if there was I'm not sure if I would read it since this book ends well and really shouldnt be continued.  In light of the abortion debate, a second civil war breaks out. In the aftermath of the war the government has ruled that a family can decide between the ages of 13-17 whether or not they still want their child. If they don’t, they can choose to have their children “unwound,” which is the process of harvesting all of their body parts and giving them to a donor, thus not actually killing them. The story follows three children who’s stories intertwine when they are sent off for unwinding. Connors parents chose to send him away since he was an unruly child. Risa was a ward of the state and budgets do not allow them to keep untalented children. Lev was considere...