Books to read - Matched

"Matched" started off good, but got a little too poetic for me at the end. I also read the second book, “Crossed,” and found it very disappointing, but the concept is interesting. I wouldnt reccommend buying it, but if you come across it, give it a chance! I'm not the best book reviewer in the world! The society chooses everything for its citizens- what to watch, what to believe, and who to marry. At Cassia’s matching ceremony she believes she is correctly matched with her best friend, Xander, until she sees Ky’s face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. The society tells her it’s a glitch, but she just can’t get Ky out of her head. She is drawn to Ky and when they begin to fall in love she is faced with the difficult choice between the only life she has known or a path that no one else has dared to follow before.